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We will establish concrete relationships and networks crossing borders, and embracing other cultures and language groups.


We are praying, planting churches, strenghtening local churches, developing leaders and connected together in order to  widening the Kingdom of God.


Together with other believers we will pray, sow seeds of the gospel and faith in giving, live out ministries of compassion to  those in need as an international and united family.

Mission News: Global October Drive 2018

October Mission Drive is one of the preparations and one of the provisions in response to the global mission call. You may find information and resources for your local church participation at the Global Missions Ministries website, I pray that you will be positioned by the Holy Spirit and empowered to respond to the need of support and supplying the nations during this effort. Thank you for your giving and May the Lord Bless you.

Women in Ministry Tribute

Tribute video shared during the General Overseer's biennial address at the 100th International Assembly of the Church of God of Prophecy. In his comments, he said, ""Even though Jesus choose 12 men to be with Him, women were a vital part of His ministry and the ministry of the early church." "They are also a vital part of the ministry today, and I want to recognize and honor our women in ministry...Let me say to women, I appreciate your ministry, whether a speaking ministry or a serving ministry. Without your contribution, this church would not have survived through the years. Jesus' ministry involved everyone, the men, the women, the children, all. He broke down the wall that separated people. he broke with Jewish tradition by allowing women to be a part of His ministry."

Mission News: Core Values in Europe

Bishop Clayton Endecott, General Presbyter of Europe, CIS, and Middle East shares an update about the presence of the church's core values of Prayer, Harvest, and Leadership Development in the work throughout Europe.

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